Marc, Author at Ellenwood Homes

Heating and Cooling for High Performance Homes

We are always looking for innovative products for our homes and renovations. We recently installed a heating and cooling system for this highly energy efficient home that is truly innovative and efficient. The MINOTAIR PENTACARE-V12 is a combination Heat Recovery…

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Energy Retrofits Part 2

Energy assessments:  The first step in all retrofit projects is the energy assessment from a certified energy advisor. The basic idea behind an energy assessment is to calculate the energy use intensity of the home, under conditions resembling a 50…

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Energy Retrofits Part 1

Over the past 2 years, I have taken on an extensive energy retrofit  and renovation project on our home in Nelson BC.  The house dates back to 1955. It was built with 2×4 walls, insulated to about R8, and approximately…

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Best of Business Awards

Thank you to Kootenay Business Magazine readers for voting Ellenwood Homes Best of Business for the following categories: Building /Construction Contractor, Interior Decorator/Designer, Renovation Contractor, & Sustainable Green Builder

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Green Home and Energy Show

It’s that time of the year. Please join us at the Green Home and Energy Show next Wednesday October 2nd at the Prestige Lakeside Resort in Nelson between 5pm and 8pm  

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The Cost of Construction

I often get asked what the cost per square foot will be for both new homes and renovations. In some cases, we have a pretty good idea based on past projects and our combined experience. However, the cost per square…

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BC Step Code

The Step Code is a new BC provincial standard that provides an incremental and consistent approach to achieve energy efficient construction. Ultimately the goal is to have all new buildings be net zero energy by 2032. They divided it into 5 steps,…

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Laneway Housing in Nelson

We are in the middle of building our first Laneway home in Nelson. There are several names such as garden home, or carriage home, but basically, it’s a second home on a lot with an existing house, usually limited to…

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